Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


1. The guest arriving must be adult in the eye of Indian law. He must have proper IDs and visa plus passport in case of foreigner.

2. The guest shall produce his IDs in front of front office at the time of check-in and all guests should have their separate IDs with them.

3. The hotel will not provide room to guests who are local residents to the district or region even if they have genuine IDs and have booked hotel by online channel. No cancellation refund can be demanded by the guest in such a case.

4. The hotel has right to charge for damage in case damage is mindfully made by traveler.

5. The hotel has full right and duty to inform local intelligence/police about the guest if any activity found suspicious of the guest.

6. The hotel strictly prohibits agents, touts , unknown outsiders to enter the hotel premises. If our guest wishes to meet someone outsider , they can meet them in the restaurant area, but not inside the room.